SELIM BAYER [2007, BArch]
Based in London, GB
The story of Keleem is rooted in tradition, culture and family. Eren and Selim, wife and husband, graphic designer and architect, were both brought up in Istanbul. Literally as soon as they could crawl, they began to appreciate that handwoven rugs were part of their culture and part of their connection to family. As in many Turkish homes, there were rugs everywhere, many of them heirlooms inherited from generations past. Each rug had its own history, and each one‚ value was not just in the skill of the weave but in its ability to tell a story. In time, Eren and Selim began to rediscover the objects which had given them so much pleasure. Admiration for weft and warp turned into a growing desire to design their own rugs and to tell their own stories.
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