Based in Quebec, Canada
Glickman has been painting and drawing her whole life. Her work can be found in private collections in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia. She depicts animals, plants and people. Whatever the subject, its chief characteristic is rich layers of colour. She applies a wide variety of styles and impulses of painterly language to explore the space and visual experiences of painting. Using acrylic paint, she employs atmospheric perspective, glazes, drips and a variety of bold marks to create an uplifting, interesting surface.
Through her art practice she deconstructs and reinvents her experiences and interests using photographs, memory and imagination using a variety of media. She loves the subtleties and nuances she can create with loose brushwork and drips and the contrast that creates, compared to the detailed, faithfully representative components that inhabit my work. When a painting is complete, she protects its thin layers of glaze with a coat of varnish. Nature is her muse and a driving force in her life — and her art takes its cues from nature. She sketches and take photos to use as references later in the studio. She likes to create a silent dialogue between her art and the viewer that educates, excites and informs. She hopes her art speaks for nature in a way that gives it a voice. Doing what she can to protect the natural environment is a moral obligation and imperative for her. A percentage of your purchase goes to environmental non-profits in Canada.
Wholesale inquiries welcome.
Available for commissioned work.
International shipping available.