YUKI MURATA [2002, MFA Industrial Design]
Based in Santa Fe, NM
Moderngoods is a product design company and consultancy. Yuki Murata’s design-work and art-work emerge from her appreciation of the natural world, her interest in the ever-evolving intersection of global cultures, and her curiosity around identity and activism. Additionally, her heritage as a half Japanese woman informs her aesthetic, work ethic, and relationship to artifacts.She studied architecture at Yale and worked in an assortment of firms in California and New Mexico before returning east to get a master’s degree. Murata has a B.A. (Bachelors of Arts in Architecture) from Yale and a M.I.D. (Master in Industrial Design) from the Rhode Island School of Design. In 2002, she decided to return to New Mexico because Murata loves the culture, intellectual climate, intense weather, and evocative landscape.